Apr 28, 2007

Grade 3 tournament in Spain -Day 3

Hey from the hot country called Spain!
Today was the normal sunny day, when I came to the dinning room all the players looked more focused on the 2nd round. People's chances of winnnig the tournament are getting higher and higher, who will it be?? We will see…
Today doubles started too. All the players who lost in 1st round were trying to take their chance in doubles. What about me? After some lessons in school at about 11 o’clock, I went to watch some matches so I can tell you all about them. All of the players were running around with theirrackets: “I need to change the strings. I need to tape my wrist, my leg, please!!!”.
My physical exercises were done, so I went to watch the match Dean O’Brien(RSA) vs Alen Bisevac (AUT). The match was pretty interesting, at first I thought, "Alen is still warming up with Patxi (our player from the academy).” Because the court was pretty far away and Dean was wearing a cap and looked just like Patxi. But after some minutes I thought, ”hmmm Patxi doesn't play 2 hands forehand and backhand!” The match had some pretty big rallies, lots of passing balls, although Alen was hitting not so strong. O’Brien was trying to attack more but it didn't seem to work as it ended up game, set, match Alen Bisevic. I think, the score was 63 61, (lol) I was trying to watch another match on another court, so didn't catch the score.
The second one was Carlos Boluda (the fourteen year old Spanish guy I told you about yesterday) vs Joshua Milton (GBR). I knew before the match that it would be a tough one for both Boluda and Milton. I was watching Milton’s tennis and his advantage is his strong forehand and really good control. Milton was returning with really good power and he took the first set 64. Then I had to go and practice but I got back just at the moment when people started clapping for Milton, who won. Congratulations!!!
There were so many other matches I cannot report on all of them because because I was really busy. I went to the doctor who worked on my injury and then I had to go and do some physical work, you see I don't get time off just because I am a reporter this week too!
One more match I did have the chance to watch was Goran Jucopila (CRO) vs Milos Seculic (SWE). Goran is the maestro of our academy, and Milos came to the court much more serious after his match vs Bachiller (the guy with his cramps and great show). Goran made alot of mistakes in the first set and he showed a really good Croation fight (good job man), but he couldn't get past Milos who played really well. Game set match for Milos.
In the afternoon doubles started which was really nice. But one tip, after an hour of watching the guy you are going to play doubles against and you have seen all his strengths, like a huge forehand, when you start to play doubles, don't serve to his huge forehand!!! Yeah man, concentrate more next time!!!!In the evening when play was over everybody had dinner and went to watch football in TV room.
Ok guys Bye, see you tomorrow.
Respect and goodluck.