May 20, 2007

New era of blog

Hey everybody!!!

I’m still here with you guys and I’m so happy and proud to be with you. Thanks for your wishes. Thanks Academy for this big present what you published in the blog when I was sleeping and did not think about blog (hheeheh).

Today after my birthday I start to create our blog with my team. There are coaches from the academy, my new 2 partners –helpers(we are on photo). Now we are going to make it more interesting. You will know more about tournaments which I’m going to play and other players too. You will see all our tennis players and get more info about them.

We decided to create a new staff for you. Its called “Ask Equelite blog” Some words about our rules. Choose the proper category (Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4) for your question and leave it in comments. Every month we will answer to your questions in our blog. And every month we will choose the best question of the month. The winner will get presents from Tennis Academy. Now you can win for example Autograph of JC Ferrero or other good thing. Up to 21 date of next month you can post your questions, then collect them and start to answer. We update our comments in categories, so you can leave your questions for next month. In the first dates of the month we declare results.

You can ask questions to physical coach of JC Ferrero, JC Ferrero , Garcia, Marta, Javi (summer stage), or just about academy, tennis tips or to me. Ok guys I wish you goodluck. Now get ready for new era of blog. We are going to show you how we are going to be professional players. See you in some days. Let my partners warm up, me to do something for blog.

Ok see you bye. GUYS.

p.s. dont forget to vote to our poll. We'd love to know where our readers from.