Hi Guys, today I had an interesting talk with Javier Capitaine (JC Ferrero’s physical coach) about life, tennis. Ok, read it yourself.
-Hi Javier! How are you? I am very happy that you found free time for me and now our blog-readers can know you closer.
-Hi ladies and gentleman’s...it is a pleasure for me to participate in your space...I want to take the advantage to say congrats especially to Kirill for his spectacular work as a journalist as being a tennis player…sincerely well done!
-First of all can you tell us about yourself, please? Where were you born? A little bit about your childhood.
-I am born in Cordoba, Argentina…the city of the best women in the world! Hahaha! !I love this place... the music, dance and the folks…but especially the people… my friends…and my family..Parents, Brothers, nephews and nieces…all of them live there.
I had an amazing childhood…always learning ..enjoying and living each moment with a big curiosity…wanting to know everything…practicing soccer, basketball, dancing and my dears martial arts…disciplines which I keep improving at this time.
-How it happened that you were involved in tennis?
- When I was studying Physical Education…my High Performance teacher Ricardo Masondo offered me to start to work with Ivanna Madruga one of the best tennis players in Argentina..of course like a helper…I was 19 years old…I accepted…but he didn’t show up and I was to make responsible process..like this.. I started my experience in the tennis world…after I was working with Ines Gorrochategui, Clarisa Fernandez, David Nalbandian, Guillermo Coria, Melina Ferrero and a lot of juniors players from Argentina…
Of course…at the moment I am working with Juan Carlos Ferrero, Maria Sharapova, Guillermo Garcia Lopez, Marta Domachowska, James Ward and Tomislav Percic…and others player from the Equelite Academy.
- And by the way what is your favorite sport?
-By far Martial Arts…but especially Mix Martial Arts…like Ultimate Fighting Championship, Pride, Bodogfight…I love to fight and the spirit of the warrior…but not aggressively…not with intention of hurting people...not... I like the codes of the samurais, the Bushido, the Spartan attitude in Thermophilas…I love the people that are able to fight for their goals for their achievements...for their freedom…not one time…each day, each minute, each second. I love this way.
-How long do you work with JC Ferrero? When did you decide to work together?
-I was working with Josep Perlas for almost two year…really a big honor ..in my opinion he is one the best coach in the world…because is an impeccable person… and great partner. I have learned a lot with him. Josep started to work with Juan Carlos and in a few month we were working together again...that was before Roland Garros 2006…I started to live at the Equelite Academy ..my dreamed place…one place designed to learn and train. I’m very comfortable and happy here.
-Could you describe Ferrero’s physical condition?
-In a nut shell..he is a great talent with a big spirit of a warrior..he was former #1..he had a lot of problems…but he keeps fighting…and he never gives up… this is the most important for me..a lot of champions..only are champions when everything is going ok..they are not warriors they are not true champions. Juan Carlos has an amazing base built by Miguel Maeso and Antonio Cascales… that allows him to keep improving today his performance in others domains...and he still has a lot to learn …but it would be impossible without the previous work.
- What do you think about JC Ferrero tennis Academy? (players, condition, courts)
-To be working and living at the Academy is like a to be going out with the most beautifull girl..hahahh! It is a really great place…Antonio Cascales always had the perfect Vision about the Academy..one place for learn to be a champions…The facilities, the courts, the peoples..are there to have goals..For Antonio the academy must be like a big family.This is essential for him like a teamwork.
- How do you spend your free time?
- Free?? Free of what? All my time is free!! Really!! I think that when you love something you never want to liberate from this…I don’t know if everyone will understand what I am talking about…but who can understand ..for sure they love what they do. I am always alternating my activities..Coaching, Training, Biology, Reading, Writing, Researching, Mix Martial Arts, History, Practicing Iaido, Fighting, Designing excercises, Music ( I love play the guitar and saxophone) and having conversation about my passions with my students and friends personally or through the internet.
-In our poll, I ask everybody if they read tennis books and could they help in tennis or not, I’d like to hear your point of view about that question?
-Im a freak reader…but the improve in any context is only trough training..nothing is possible playing with the ideas…My point of view is very clear…I think that there are not any book.
I agree…absolutely. The human being to become from the action…not from the explanations.
-Most coaches write books about tennis, don’t you think to write one?
-I have writen 5 books..but Im not a business man.. Im coach.,,,and I love be coach,,.probably in the future I have wishes to publish one…now I prefer to work and keep learning…something that never finishes,
-If you don’t mind first I will ask few questions about tennis tips and in comments I will ask our readers to leave more for you. Ok?
So my question is how to avoid injuries during the training on court? (just few common advice)
-In my opinion the most important point about injury prevention is the coordination training …and improve the ability to adapt the organism to different conditions,(surfaces, balls, whether, travels) Should be very important too...the specific prevent injury drills; generic and in stroke.
-What can you tell about modern tennis from physical point of view?
-Interesting question…I have worked with swimmers,tri-athletes,fighters,wind surfers,cyclist and runners as well as tennis players.i think that tennis players are one the most completes athletes in the world...Which sport has the competitive frequence like tennis? What sportsman or sportswoman perform every week, all the year? What about the continuous trips.changing all conditions?
Today ..,if you want have a tennis champion you have to have an resistant, speed, strong, coordinate, flexible, clever, tactically very intelligent…and mentally impressive…
Is very simple…the tennis players must be in a High level condition..if not is impossible to be in the top.
- I know that you travel a lot, so can you remember any funny moments ( or just one) from the tournaments? I asked that questions too many people and the answer was that there were too many and we didn’t hear any.
-Ok...I never will forget: Guillermo Coria –Rafa Nadal in Rome 2005… the David Nalbandian talent to learn, the Roger Federer kindness and courtesy, the warrior attitude of Juan Carlos Ferrero, Leytton Hewitt and Rafa Nadal… my fierces conversation with Jose Perlas, Ivan Gutierrez, Jose Higueras, Leonardo Lerda and Eduardo Infantino… the spirit to improve and commitment of Maria Sharapova…
Special moments? The big hug of Guillermo Coria with me when he won Umag 2005…The Masha USOpen 2006…the first time in a tennis tournament with my brother and manager Raul Capitaine and with my mother Martilde in the Madrid Women’s Master Series…and every day with my players and partners in the Equelite Tennis Academy
-Your tips of the day for our readers.
-A lot of people go to the office…I work like a coach…I know…Im blessed..
-We have to train daily with exercises superior to those of our adversaries.
-To avoid the useless thing, to never leave of side the essential thing.
-The improvement in any art is obtained training… nothing is possible playing with the ideas.
-Thanks a lot Javier!!!
P.S. Hey Guys you can leave your questions for Javier Capitaine in comments and soon he will answer to them! Thanks.