Sep 2, 2007

Goodbye Summer Stage 2007!!!

Hey Guy!
Summer stage is over. Calm and peace (hehe). Every year Javi, our director of summer stage, writes his last summer stage letter of the year. Enjoy it:

Players of Stage:

After your time in the Summer Stage 2007 in Equelite-JCFerrero Tennis Academy, we would like to thank you your confidence in our system of training and all services of the Stage.

When a player comes here for a period of time, not only do they improve there game inside the court but also outside like a person. To know so many people, make friends from other cultures, learn languages, be surrounded by and live with elites tennis players… it’s an unique experience.

For this, we hope you study a lot throughout the year because the consistency is also important. Carry on training hard like you have until now so that the next time you are closer to following the steps of Juan Carlos Ferrero.

You have all had the opportunity to mix and live with a former world nº 1 which is Juan Carlos, a player who lifted the Davis cup for Spain, has won various masters series and triumphed in Roland Garros…

And if this was not enough you have seen David Ferrer, Guillermo García-López or the junior women champion Tita Torro. They also were young like you and had the illusion to get far.

We hope that you have had an unforgettable time in the Academy and we hope to see you next year. It is important not loose contact with your friends from the Stage for the next time you see them.

See you soon champions!
And one more, the guys from summer stage wrote about their experience in the academy in blog. Its in Spanish. I remember I went on tournament, one guy shout to me: Hey, You! I stopped and was thinking what I had done? I know you, he said to me. -Really? -You write blog. -AAAAA (I relaxed) yeap. -Why dont you write in spanish? So, Hey that Guy! Remember me? (hehe) now you have a chance to read some staff in spanish. Hope, you like it.
"Por fin era domingo 15 de Julio, el día que tanto habíamos esperado. Esa sensación de nuevo, el gran camino de pinos que nos llevaba hacia el STAGE DE VERANO…Aún había poca gente, alguna cara conocida, pero… otras tantas nuevas.

Deshicimos las maletas y nos fuimos a comer macarrones…!!!. Mientras comíamos empezamos a hablar con la gente, chicos y chicas de diversas nacionalidades: Dubai, Rusia, Polonia, España… así que pusimos nuestro inglés en práctica.

En las siguientes horas comenzaron las primeras risas, gritos,… etc. Empezamos a ver con quien congeniábamos y todo eso. Ese día fue un día caluroso, pero… perfecto. Esa tarde, después del descanso, tuvimos la reunión. Javi (director del Stage) nos explicó el funcionamiento del Stage, los horarios y demás. Mientras todos sentados escuchábamos atentos. También nos presentaron a los monitores.

Esa noche nos sirvió para conocer más y mejor a toda esa gente con la que íbamos a pasar 15 días.

El día siguiente lo recuerdo como el más duro de todos, ya que hicimos todas las pruebas físicas. Al final del día… todos teníamos unas agujetas… INCREIBLE!!! " Read more on
Equelite JC Ferrero Tennis Academy Site. "
Respect Guys.