Hello Everyone!
Happy New Year and all the best from our tennis academy!
2011 has finished and we would like to summarize what we have done for 2011.
- Pro players who came to train with us during this year:
Juan Carlos Ferrero, Nicolás Almagro, David Ferrer, Iván Navarro
Pastor, Guillermo García López, Tita Torró, Despina Papamichail, Nanuli
Pipiya, Andrés Artuñedo, etc.
- Best result of the player in the academy
Without a doubt, the best result is having Nicolás Almagro into the ATP top 10.
- Summer camp 2011 - we were full in July and got maximum players
- 17% Russian.
- 60% Spanish.
- 23% USA, UK, Asia, Europe etc.
- Over 10 groups from UK, Germany, Czech Republic, Noway and Sweden chose our academy for training.
- We organised 1 ITF tournament in April, Valencia Open in November, the Spanish National Championship for players under 14 in October, around 10 more national tournaments during the year, country club tournaments during the year, etc.
- Antonio Martínez, JC' Ferrero coach is managing not only the Academy but the Hotel Ferrero, Open 500 Valencia,Valencia Tennis Federation and continues travelling all over the world next to JC Ferrero.
- Advertising in some of the best tennis magazines like Tennis World, Grand Slam, Advantage Tennis and appearing online in our website and social networks like Tuenti (Spain), Facebook and Twitter.
- Thanks all our clients, players and their parents, tennis staff and international agents for their great work. Without you, we could not achieve that kind of results! Our best international agent is Natalia Kucherova! Well done, Natalia!