Hey everybody!!!
Its getting colder in Spain, but I' m from Russia, cold is nothing for me, so I'm still with u, guys!!! Today early in the morning everybody went to watch Championship of Spain. It took 1 30 or 2 hours to get to Valencia. It was so difficult, I was just sitting and listening IPOD. When we arrived, it was so windy and cold. The first match, which we started to watch, was Garcia vs Navarro. Our player made so many mistakes. Garcia lost in this match because he had problems with his eyes. He did operation on his eyes, so he needed time to recover. After match he told that after 30 min he could not see anything at all. We started to watch other matches. I saw some players from top 100 ATP, for example, Ramiraz Hidalgo, Almagro, David Ferrer and etc. We watched some matches of our players.(Burniol and Jose de Luna used to practice in our academy). Jose won his macth vs 35 years old guy. But it was pretty difficult. I did not see Burniol's match, but guys told me that he won. Other matches were pretty nice. Players just passed the ball in point 20 times maybe more. Around 3 o' clock we came back to our academy. Just to finish our practice, It was a great day, it is good when we have a chance to go on tournaments, not as a player, just to watch matches and look at our tennis from another side.
Thanks and CYA!!!