Dec 3, 2006

Funny weekend with bulls!!


Sorry I did not write our blog for along time. But I'm still with u, guys. And I'd like to write about something what happened here. December started and this weekend Juan Carlos Ferrero with guys went to...hmmmmmmm ...corrida I think, but people have fun with bulls. Its such a dangerous trip, when u haveto run 3 hours and be ready to meet with a bull. If u don’t know what a bull looks like I will explain to u ….A Bull is a big strong cow with horns and what I heard from guys, they are so clever. They know who JC Ferrero is, I think, firstly,they get object , wait and try to destroy. U see on these photos how JC with our players climbed on the door out of this bull. The Bull was tring to get them but no way, hopefully. Yeah, be with us, its so exciting in the academy.
And I more news: RUSSIA WON DAVIS CUP. ДАВАЙ РОССИЯ. Good year for Russia!!!
That’s all guys, I wish u goodluck and cya next week.