Here is the blog about JC Ferrero Equelite tennis academy in Spain Nowadays lots of people don’t know how difficult to be a professional tennis player and what every player needs to pass for to be who he is now. We think,it’d be interesting to read more about what people in the tennis academy get up to. It’s first hand information about how future tennis stars are trained, play tournaments, come here for summer camp.
Apr 30, 2007
Grade 3 tournament in Spain -Day 5
Apr 29, 2007
Grade 3 tournament in Spain -Day 4
Apr 28, 2007
Grade 3 tournament in Spain -Day 3
Apr 27, 2007
Grade 3 tournament in Spain -Day 2
Apr 26, 2007
Grade 3 tournament in Spain -Day 1
Apr 25, 2007
Tournament in photos! (Part 2)
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Tournament in photos!
Apr 24, 2007
Campeonatos Internacionales Junior de Tenis de la Comunidad Valenciana 2007

Apr 18, 2007
Valencia, Virtual tournament, ITF and show for TV.
I remember I read so many things and books about tennis. And so any people asked which road to success. So many people said that to be professional is so difficult. Hmmmm, you know, there are 2 ways, like in life. One of them to go down and one of them to go up. Way down, that’s for people for whom everything is impossible. And they look for easy ways in there life and try to push other people down. And Up is just for believers and that’s. And that’s happened in tournament in Valencia, maybe. Some really good players, who were out of 100 ATP for some reason, try to find themselves and come back in 100 ATP. They are going to fight like a beast to find the place under the sun.
First of all, lets start form Saturday. Some of our players, who got WC, went to the tournament. This year Toni Martinez, our father, was the director of this tournament. It was such a rainy day in academy. And so many people from Germany, Qatar and England came. We spent that day in our TV room. We were sitting and watching MTV. Rain outside, the window pure down. And Samuel said that we should play a virtual tournament on PS 3. Virtual tennis 3 ….. we were like oooooooook, Samuel. He made the draw and everybody started playing. It was so funny. I chose Andy Roddick. JC Ferrero and Garcia were watching. Yeah, for them football would be more interesting but…. And I won this tournament in final, easy for me. Thanks for congratulations.
In the evening our professional guys came back, they were look like: ''OHHHH I m professional player, how hard it is''. All of them lost except Alen (his player was retired). Next round of qually he lost. That was qually and then the most interesting - Main draw!!!
On Monday I went to Valencia. I got player’s card. With this card I could pass everywhere. I was like, ok, lets do it. When I came to the rest room, I saw players like Mayer, Almagro and others. There were 2 PS 3 , free drinks, internet and so many sofas. It looked nice. I was like: wow I’m around prof tennis players. It was really cool . So, I went to watch some matches. One of them was Gaibashvile vs Simon. I was sitting on V I P and watching the match. And one little boy came to me. “You are Simon’s coach?” “Sorry, Man, I ‘m just a player of Equelite.” Yeah, who knows, what is better to be a prof coach or prof player. I chose 2nd.
The whole week I spent my time in Valencia. I have been injured for 3 weeks. I can play tennis but not so strong. But, that’s ok, I’m strong Russian, hehhe. I met Ventura and his coach, Pedro Rico (do u remember Pedro Rico?He was in the academy and went to study in America). Ventura showed so good result in Valencia. He played so good and fought amazing, seriously guys. This guy is a legend player. His match with Martin was so difficult. Me, Pedro, Jose Ezequel and other 2 guys shouted: Come on! 3 0 down 3d set. We were shouting again: You can do it, Man. And 6 4 VAMOS!!! Respect GUYS!!!!
I spoke with really good people in Valencia: organizers, players, umpires. Yeah, it was really good. Almagro was in good form. Garcia lost first round vs Korolev. And in 2nd Round JC Ferrero vs Alberto Martin. But Ferrero was so sick. Seriously, you just can’t understand his feelings, how hard he wanted to win this tournament. Oh, James Ward, I forgot about him. Before the match James said: “Its going to be difficult. Scream come on as strong as you can. Lets try to win this match.” He played with French guy GENSSE, Augustine, who passed qualy, he was really good fighter, guys. I watched his match the last round of qualy. 5 1 down 3rd set and he won 7 5 I was like WOW!!! This guy has really good not HUGE forehand. And good serve and volley. But backhand he played more slice. James’ start was good -7 6 ,but then he lost set and then guys, I could not believe, 2 0 UP and he lost match 6 4. I said to James: ”No problems, Man, lets go and punch this guy!!!” Any way, this guy lost vs Navarro.
Monday again. We started to play pre qualy. I could not play, I had so big pain in my arm. I did my the best. But I continue working. Our doctor said that I must rest. I cant do it, I need to play and I play like 30 min every day.
Russian Journalists came to make report about our academy. Me and commercial director showed the academy, the way we live, train and rest. Hope, we will see this programme on TV. Or they will send us a copy heheeee.
Thanks guys. I think I wrote too much. But that’s how we do!!! Life is my court. And in blog I try to show what a great life we have here.
Apr 13, 2007
Answers to your comments!!!
Hi Guys! At last, I found the anwers to your questions. Ready? Enjoy!!!
-Morgan Z said:You people are going to have a Grade 3 ITF at your academy, right? A player I know should be there.
-Yes, the tournament is growing every year thanks to the effort of Juan Carlos and Sharapova.
-Mount Goddess said: thanks that was a really good read. I have a little question for you, how long to do study at the academy for?
-We study 2 hours and half per day after practice.
-Vivian said:thank you,kirill .
a song said that how many roads must a man walkd down before you can call him a man.i think if you want to be a hero, you have to do more work and suffer more pain.
just do your best,kirill,then i think you can succeed. and i have two question to ask JC.
one is what's the happiest thing in studing tennis when he was young?
-When he was young, one of the happier moment was when Spanish Federation called him to be part of the Spanish team under 14.
-i know JC likes football very very much,so do the other question is why he perfered tennis to football? thanks! best wishes to you all!
-Well, he played good in both, but he knew that he could win more matches with tennis.
-Hi Kirill!I have a question or two for Guillermo Garcia Lopez. Having broken into the top 100, what are his goals this year? How has working with Josep Perlas helped his game?
-He would like to finish top 50 this year and to improve his results in Master Series. Perlas is a very experimented coach and you always can learn something with him.
-Hi Kirill: Some questions for Juan Carlos. What aspects of his game does Juan Carlos feel have improved since he began working with Josep Perlas?
-His service and to attack again with his forehand inside the court.
-Also, I heard that he bought a hotel near Valencia. What is it called and has it opened yet? Will the tennis players at the Valencia tournament stay there?
-It’s called La suite de Ferrero and it will open in summer.
-I have a question for Juan Carlos: Do you ever visit any of your fan websites?
-Yes, when he’s in the tournaments he usually check every fan websites.
-I've got a question for JCF:how do you usually feel just before playing a match,taking into account that you should be focused on the match itself and playing in front of so many people?
-He never thinks in that, before he goes to the court he wish enjoying in the match.
-i'm kriti,from mauritius,you've probably never heard about it before,and i,ve got 2 questions for JCF :how's his dog called?and why doesn't he come on holidays in mauritius one day?
-His dog is called Roca. Everybody says that Mauritus island is very beautiful and he would like to go with his family.
-what does Ferrero think of racism?
-He’s completely in opposition to the racism.
Thanks for your questions,guys!
P.S. Dont forget to watch the movie "Juan Carlos Ferrero No strings" (4 parts)!!!
Apr 2, 2007
Enjoy your life today, think about tomorrow, but always remember your history!
Tennis with u!!!